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知育もしつけもスマホの時代! 人気のアプリはあの…

知育もしつけもスマホの時代! 人気のアプリはあの…

Discipline also be educational era of smartphone! Popular apps that are ...

Now, a time when educational discipline of children and also to be in the (smartphone) smartphone -?

A subsidiary of NTT DoCoMo, tackle and consulting business of mobile-related "DoCoMo dot-com" (Headquarters, Minato-ku, Tokyo) has announced the popular app rankings in April 2014 digital content delivery service of "Google Play" . The sales ranking of "education" sector, and educational applications such as story-telling and rhythm games, such as discipline apps get a phone call from the demon, education app for young children is Vodka, and the height of the interest of parents give a glimpse of.

The "Google Play", Android terminal user, such as a tablet or smartphone is, services that are available for a fee or free apps that individuals and companies have developed. On the basis of the ranking data that is published in the "Google Play" every month, the company has aggregated its own on a monthly basis the popular app rankings.

The "education" sector, "educational application of rhythm play baby infant children" children can enjoy the rhythm play to fit the song of the popular television program is ranked first, you can read a picture book for a game sense, etc. touch the screen at the 2-position it is possible to study English by using the time gap, such as commuting, attending school "iKnow!" was followed by "educational picture book Suma book Storytelling", in the third place. Application-related educational discipline babies and toddlers account for eight in 10 in, "represents the height of the smartphone use needs in child-rearing" and (the company).

A characteristic of Above all, it's "phone from DX demon" in the 5-position. App setting phone that comes suffering from such scary Dracula ogres and review to evaluate the discipline effect "child is stopped to knead the Dada", such as "me to sleep as soon as night" in many cases. For a long time, etc. persuade "demon'll come After that bad", "I fall to hell" parents could use picture books, demon had a dramatic effect on child discipline, but actually that the demons come, or it may get a phone call had neither. Even remember the early age of their phone, so a stake actually from demons remembered fear just imagine, effect or would not than a work wonders.

For people raising children, app that can be used for training and educational reassuring presence. But, if you want only to quietly just let tampered with the smartphone to a child, it can not be said that the educational-training effect and was obtained. For example, in the case of a "phone DX from demon" in this or frightened at convincing performance in order to convince the presence of demon children, and "I try to bye-bye so as not to offend the. Demon's okay because there are mom" etc. or call out, rather than leaving it all to the application, can be used as a "tool help you" is the last might be important.

知育もしつけもスマホの時代! 人気のアプリはあの…


 NTTドコモの子会社で、モバイル関連のコンサルティング事業などに取り組む「ドコモ・ドットコム」(本社・東京都港区)が、デジタルコンテンツ配信サービス「Google Play」の2014年4月の人気アプリランキングを発表した。「教育」部門の売り上げランキングには、リズムゲームや絵本の読み聞かせといった知育アプリや、鬼から電話がかかってくるしつけアプリなど、幼児向けの教育アプリがずらりと並び、保護者の関心の高さをうかがわせた。

「Google Play」は、スマホやタブレットなどのAndroid端末利用者が、個人や企業が開発したアプリを無料または有料で入手できるサービス。同社は毎月「Google Play」で公開されているランキングデータを基に、人気アプリランキングを月単位で独自に集計している。

「教育」部門では、子どもが人気テレビ番組の歌に合わせてリズム遊びを楽しめる「リズム遊び 赤ちゃん幼児子供向けの知育アプリ」が1位となり、2位には画面を触るなどゲーム感覚で絵本を読める「読み聞かせ知育絵本スマほん」、3位には通勤・通学といったすき間の時間を利用して英語の勉強ができる「iKnow!」が続いた。赤ちゃんや幼児の知育・しつけに関するアプリが10位中八つを占め、「子育てにおけるスマートフォン活用ニーズの高さを表している」(同社)という。




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